Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Complex Business Scenario Sample

Complex Business Scenario

Maintain Catalogue Use Case
The user clicks the ‘Item and Stock Maintenance’ menu and selects ‘Catalogue’ submenu, ‘Maintenance Catalogue’ screen will be displayed. In order to add the new catalogue item, the user clicks the ‘Add New’ button. Then, type catalogue ID, description, Bin No, Reorder level, Reorder quantity and balance in respective text fields, and choose the desired Category, Unit of Measure, Suupplier 1,2 and 3 from respective drop-down list and also checks on ‘Is Active’ check box and then click ‘Submit’ button and the new catalogue item will be displayed in the listed items below. If the user wants to edit the existing information, selects the desired CatalogueID that user wants to edit and then click the ‘Update’ icon and edit the existing information. After user finished the editing, checks on ‘Is Active’ check box then clicks ‘Submit’ button to save the changes and will be displayed in the below gridview with the updated information. If user wants to delete the specific row of data, selects the desired row’s radio button, then clicks on ‘Delete’ image button. The selected data row will be deleted and disappear from the gridview.

Test Script for ‘Maintain Catalogue’ Use Case
TestID:DT087592W Prepare by/date:06/02/2009 Tested by:/date: 06/02/2009
Test Description: ‘Maintain Catalogue’ Use Case Testing
- Integration testing
- A complex scenario with creating, updating and retrieving catalogue information. Programs Tested
Boundary Class:
Control Class:
Entity Class:
StationeryStore DS
DB Broker
s/n Test Step Expected Result Actual Result
Screen6: Maintenance Department

The process of this usecase starts when the user clicks the ‘Catalogue’ submenu from the ‘ Item and Stock Maintenance ’ menu.

On Page Load [MaintenanceCatalogue]Screen will be displayed. Catalogue ID, Description, Bin No, Reorder level, Reorder quantity and Balance text fields are clear when Category, Unit of Measure, Suupplier 1,2 and 3 drop-down lists are selected none and both textboxes and drop-down lists are non-editable. ‘Add New’ button is enabled. Maintenance Catalogue gridview is displayed.
‘Add New’ button is visible. As Expected
2 User selects on desired radio button. The catalogue data of the selected row will be displayed in the respective text box in non-editable mode.
As Expected
3 Click ‘Add New’ button All text boxes and drop-down lists will become enable. ‘Submit’ and ‘Cancel’
buttons are enable . As Expected
4 Type the desired data in respective text boxes and choose desired data from the drop-down lists, checks on ‘Is Active’ check box and then click ‘Submit’ button Add the new row in the grid view table. ‘Add New’ button will become enable again. As Expected
4 Click ‘Update’ button All text boxes and drop-down lists will become enable . ‘Submit’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons are enable also. As Expected
5 Type again the data user wants to change, checks on ‘Is Active’ check box and then click ‘Submit’ button The old existing data is edited and saved in the table.
‘Add New’ button becomes visible. As Expected
6 Click on ‘Cancel’ button Clear the data in all text boxes. ‘Add New’ button is enabled. As Expected
7 Click on ‘Delete’ image button. Remove the entire row that user deletes. As Expected

Test Data For ‘Maintain Catalogue’ Use Case
Maintenance Catalogue
Table name : Catalogue

Field Name

Record ItemCode CategoryCode Description Reorder
Level Reorder
Code Bin No Balance Supplier
Code1 Supplier
Code 2 Supplier
Code 3 Active
B001 CG05 Execise book 100 50 UM03 A7 400 S02 S06 S04 True
C001 CG01 Clips Double 1" 50 30 UM01 A1 70 S01 S02 S03 True
C002 CG01 Clips Paper Small 50 30 UM01 A3 60 S01 S04 S06 True
C003 CG01 Clips Double 300 50 UM01 A7 200 S03 S02 S01 True
C004 CG01 Clips Paper Large 400 50 UM01 A7 300 S07 S01 S02 True
C005 CG01 Clips Double 2” 400 50 UM01 A7 400 S07 S01 S03 True
D001 CG02 Diskettes 3.5 inch(HD) 400 200 UM02 A2 500 S04 S05 S06 True
E001 CG03 Envelope Brown(3") 600 400 UM03 A2 900 S01 S04 S06 True
E002 CG03 Envelope White 600 400 UM03 A4 400 S04 S06 S05 True
E003 CG03 Eraser 50 20 UM03 A8 300 S02 S01 S05 True
E004 CG03 Envelope Brown 200 50 UM03 A4 300 S01 S02 S03 True
E005 CG03 EmvelopeWhite 300 400 UM03 A4 700 S04 S06 S07 True
E006 CG03 EnvelopeWhiteWindow 600 400 UM03 A4 900 S01 S05 S09 True

(For Category Combo box)
Table name : Category
Field Name

Record Description
Exercise Book(100 pg)
File Seperator/Folder
Hole Puncher
Pad Postit Memo

(For UOM Combo box)
Table name : UOM

Field Name

Record Description

(For Supplier Combo box)
Table name : Supplier
Field Name

Record Supplier Name
ALPHA Office Suppliers
Cheap Stationer
OMEGA Stationery Supplier
Beta Office Suppliers
Tiger Stationery
Theator Stationery
Snowy Shop
Google Stationery

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